Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Week 2 Story: Cats Hate Water

Once there was a cat named Logan asleep on the outside of a windowsill. He was fitfully dreaming of a torrential downpour. All of a sudden he felt a sudden drop of water that startled him instantly awake, and he took off running as fast as he could. His younger brother S
Severus saw him and shouted "Yo, what's up?" as he saw Logan run by.
"The world is flooding!" Logan shouted back.
"Oh snap!" exclaimed Severus as he took off following Logan through the neighborhood. This continued until all the other neighborhood cats started joining the pack until they approached Trouble.
Trouble was the neighborhood Old Man Cat. He'd been around the block, and knew these young cats easily overreact. He asked "What in the world is going on?!"
"The world is flooding!" yelled several cats back to him.
"Oh goodness. Surely not. Who saw this start?" He started eyeballing each cat, one by one.
"Not I!" "Not me!" "I think it was him" "no it wasn't me" echoed all around.
Finally Logan stepped forward. "It was me!" he said worriedly.
"I see! What proof do you have?" Trouble looked at him.
Logan started shifting his eyes looking all around "Well see, I was asleep in this windowsill, and all of a sudden I felt water on me!"
"Did you look to see the source?" Trouble rolled his eyes.
"Well no, I took off running to be safe. What cat wants to stay to check out the source for water?" Logan answered sarcastically.
Trouble let out a HUGE sigh. "Let's go have a look. Show me where you were".
"Alright" Logan agreed reluctantly. They started walking back to the house it occurred at.
Once they got there, Trouble immediately eyeballed the gutter and saw a steady stream of water coming from it. Drip, drip, drip it went, right into the spot Logan said he was laying.
"Do you see this" Trouble asked Logan, referring to the Gutter.
 "Yes" Logan admitted sheepishly. He knew he knew a mistake, and they needed to go back and tell the others. Thank goodness Trouble was wise enough to take the time to check the source.

(Image from Flickr)

Author's note: I used the Foolish, Timid Rabbit and changed the story to use my cats and their hatred of water.

Bibliography. "The Foolish, Timid Rabbit" from Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt. Websource

Currently on My Portfolio


  1. Hey Dorothy! I think it's so cute that you changed the story to be about cats and water. It makes for a really cute rendition of a very well-known story. It's also cool how you take a well known cat stereotype and were able to change the story from the world ending to a cat's version of the world ending, the world flooding. I'm excited to read what other stories you'll be writing this semester.

  2. Hi Dorothy. This is really fun! I love your take on the original tale. I especially liked the added wrinkle at the end with Old Man Cat Trouble taking the scared youngster back to the scene of the crime. We have four cats at our house and Logan's response "What cat wants to stay to check out the source for water?" is spot on!

  3. Hi Dorothy! This is a really fun adaptation of the Jataka. I really like how you gave the cats personalities; it made the story really engaging. I could tell that you know these cats well! I really enjoyed how much dialogue you used. It really helped develop the characters. Maybe next time include more description? I'd really like to see what Old Man Cat looks like, how an old cat looks compared to the younger cats.
