Sunday, August 11, 2019

Colorado - My favorite place

I haven't been many places, but one of my most favorite places would be my birth state of Colorado. Colorado is beautiful. Their mountains are definitely a view to behold. I'm constantly in awe the whole time I'm visiting.

This is a view in Colorado Springs showing Garden of the God's, and Pike's Peak.
(Image from Flickr)

There is a breathtaking view every time you turn around. When I visit, I always end up taking around 100 pictures of the mountains in various lights.

Picture of Pike's Peak
(Image taken on our trip June 2019)

Of course the view from the top is something else entirely. I'm a wimp when it comes to heights, so the drive up was nerve wracking. I may or may not have had an anxiety attack (hint: I did). However, the view is definitely worth it.

Our View From the Top
(Image from June 2019)


  1. Thank you for these lovely pictures, Dorothy! And as you can imagine, mountains (Himalayas!) play a big role in the world of the Indian Epics. Maybe you will do a mountain-inspired project for class... you could be wandering the mountains of Colorado and find yourself magically transported to some mythological mountain peak in India: garden of the gods indeed! :-)

  2. Hey Dorothy! The pictures you shared of Colorado are absolutely beautiful! I can definitely see why it's your favorite place. The fact that you're willing to push through your fear of heights to go and see the mountains says a lot about how beautiful they are too. I've always wanted to go to Colorado and your post made me want to go as soon as possible.
