Sunday, August 11, 2019

Introduction to Dorothy and her crazy life.

Hello all!

My name is Dorothy (my family calls me Dottie, but I usually still use Dorothy for school). I am a single mom to a silly, smart 8 year old boy (side note: kids are exhausting). I am an Academic Affairs-Exploratory major? At this point, I'm honestly just trying to finish. I am a Senior going part time. I'm hoping I can finish maybe December 2020, otherwise it will be 2021. I've been out the last 3 semesters (life gets crazy), but I'm happy to be jumping back in! It's a wonderful feeling to be able to set the example for my kid.

Last semester I took classes was Fall 2017, and I was in the Women's Chorus that was chosen to  perform at the OMEA convention in Tulsa. I was active in choir all throughout high school, so I jumped at the chance to be apart of it again. I was able to do it for 2 semesters, until I got an "adult job" Monday-Friday 7-4, so that removed the possibility of being able to continue. Because of that I am trying to finish it all out online, around the kid's schedule. We home school, but he does home school choir, and soccer so we still stay busy.

In the past I was an English major. I have always had a passion for reading, to the point I would get grounded from books. I was going through them so fast, my family refused to buy more so I ended up reading anything I could get my hands on. I started my Grandma's Nora Robert's books in 3rd grade, and shortly after had my Dad's Stephen King's books. I am also a huge fan of the classics, and a HUGE Harry Potter fan.

On that note: I have 3 dogs and 6 cats, several with Harry Potter names. Dog wise have 2 huskies- Luna and Percy, and 1 Great Pyrenees - Henri (technically my moms). Cats we have 1 Russian blue- Trouble, a long haired tabby - Logan, a long haired gray tuxedo -Sophia, a Siamese - moaning Myrtle, and 2 tuxedo kittens - Severus and Otter.

 Logan and Trouble (shown above)

Severus, Otter, and Trouble (shown above)
Percy and Luna (shown above)

 Myrtle and Otter (shown above)
Henri (He's like 60 lbs now) 

So in that break I got a new job (as previously mentioned) working in the mortgage industry behind the scenes, and this summer we went to Colorado (also previously discussed in my Favorite Place post). I was born in Durango, Colorado and have a deep love of mountains. Of course, that's probably because I'm pale enough the beach and I don't get along. But being apart of something so huge, and getting to hike around is one of my favorite things to experience. It is absolutely beautiful.

That's a look into my crazy life. We wake up, go to work, come home to school/soccer/animals, and repeat. There's not much I would change though.


  1. Ohhhhh, I am so jealous of all your cats and dogs, Dorothy! What fun! I have just one cat now (we lost our boy cat last summer to a sudden illness)... but she keeps me busy with her shenanigans. In terms of India, there is a goddess who rides on a cat as her vahana, or vehicle: the goddess Shashthi. Here she is, riding her cat, at Wikipedia. Shashthi. And of course there are some great Harry Potter connections to India; for example, Nagini is named for the great Naga beings who are part of Indian mythology, including the great Naga-lord Shesha who provides the god Vishnu with a cosmic bed to sleep on. Anyway, I hope you will have fun with the class: between the stories and the music and mountains (Himalayas!), I think you will find some good connections!

  2. Dorthy I am sure you got this hopefully you graduate by December 2020. I get it college can be sometimes frustrating but on the positive side you won't get these days back and it is nice to know that you were in Womens Choir I auditioned for Womens choir here at OU and got in I am super excited to start as I have not been in a Womens choir since my middle school days when I first came to America in 2012 when I was just 12 years old. Also I am a Harry Potter fan aswell, fun fact Daniel Radcliff can sing entire periodic table in a song format and is very smart.

  3. Hey Dorothy! I think it's awesome that you're coming back after a few semesters. Also super cool that you did choir here for a bit and got to do something you used to love doing again. I think it's awesome your son does choir too. I love all the pets and also love how their names (especially the Harry Potter ones). They're adorable so thanks for the pictures!

  4. Hey Dorothy! I too am someone who is going back to school and unsure when he will graduate. I'm quite impressed that you are able to juggle not only a full-time job, going back to college, and a home schooled child, but a house full of animals to boot! That takes some serious skills. I am curious though, what exactly is an Academic Affairs-Exploratory major?

  5. Hey Dottie!
    First of all I love your name! I was raised by a single mother and loved it. You're doing great things for your child! Also welcome back to school, hopefully youre adjusting well becuase school takes up so much time especially for a full time mother. All of your pets are so cute, do all of them get along? I have lots of animals at my mothers house and my cats love to play with the dogs.
    Hope you have a great semester!

  6. Hi Dorothy! I'm just recently getting into Harry Potter and have enjoyed it so far, although I'm kinda stuck on the fifth book as Harry's moody teenage self is becoming hard to read. Which book is your favorite? Hopefully you get the chance to sing again! Singing is a talent I've always wished I was good at. And of course, your pets are adorable!!

  7. Hi Dorothy!
    It’s so nice to see another mom!!! I have an 11-year old and a 5-month old, both boys. I know the struggles of balancing work, kids and school. Keep up the good work though. Even if you go part time, you won’t regret it at all. And it’ll be that much more rewarding when you finally finish!! I like that a lot of your animals have Harry Potter names. We are big fans in our house too! Not sure I could handle that many animals though. With 3 boys (including the husband) and the one dog, I think I’ve reached my allowable limit of crazy! Good luck this semester and I’ll be pulling for you to finish in December of 2020!

  8. Hi Dorothy! We are very like-minded in terms of feeling at this point just compelled and pressured to make it to that graduation date. I am also a Senior and have spent probably half of my academic career inching at a snails pace toward that goal at part-time status after taking 3.5 years on sabbatical. I dare say that I wouldn't wish it any other way considering the fact that I have talked to too many an alumni who went through college too quickly to appreciate it. You seem like a wonderful and devoted person and mother! All the "booky" people I have ever met have always been some of the most intellectually stimulating and creative people, so I am excited to see how this love of yours transfers into your writing!

  9. Hi Dorothy! I see that you were an English major in the past -- I'm an English major now! I definitely relate to being a voracious reader when growing up. Once, I tried to read the entire Percy Jackson and the Olympians series in a day, and I got halfway through the last of five books before my parents took it from me :( And I love Harry Potter, too! I haven't read them recently, and I definitely need to read them again. I hope you enjoy writing stories for this class, and maybe you can incorporate some Potter-style magic!

  10. Hey Dorothy!

    First of all I want to say all of your animals are incredible. I love all of the Harry Potter names too. So if you previously lived in Colorado, what brought you to Oklahoma? I am always interested to know what brings people here because there are always a variety of reasons. I love reading myself, but my major is microbiology so most of the reading I do is boring science stuff.

    It is insane that you manage to balance a full time job and school. Especially this class which is has a lot of busy work and can take up quite a bit of time.

  11. Hey Dorothy,

    What a big family you have! It must be hard, but more rewarding, taking care of all your pets. I have one small dog that is super low maintenance, mostly because my parents do all the caring for her. I can't imagine trying to juggle school, a young child, and 9 pets all under the same roof. Hats off to you!
