Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reading Notes: Babbitt's More Jataka Tales: Part B

How the Monkey Saved his Troop: Monkeys eat the mangos from the tree that fall on the ground. More fall into the river where the king discovered it and wanted more. They went to the tree, ate the ones on the ground and decided to camp to get more. The monkeys came during the night handpicked the fruit, but made noise that woke the king. The king wanted the monkeys shot. The chief of the monkeys saved them by turning himself into a bridge across the water for them to cross. The king saw and decided he should be taken care of forever.

The Hawks and their Friends: Hawks lived on an island surrounded by a lion, a turtle, and a Kingfisher. The hawks decided they needed friends, and befriended all 3. hunters came and napped under the tree and made a fire. It disrupted the birds sleep and the littles made noise, bringing the hunters attention. One hawk went to the kingfisher for help. Help came and kept putting out the fire as the hunter got close to the nest. Kingfisher got tired so they asked the turtle to come help. Turtle came and put the fire out with mud. hunters decided they wanted the turtle instead. The tried by make a net from vines and their clothes but were unsuccessful, they decided to go back to the hawks. Then the lion was asked for help. He came roaring and the hunters ran. The friends saved the Hawks.

The Brave Little Bowman: He was little and crooked but good with the bow. He wanted to join the army, so he finds a big strong man to be the face, and the will split the pay. He agreed and the king accepted. They were sent to kill a tiger. The little man was successful and the king was happy. Next they were sent to kill a buffalo. They succeeded and the big man got more praise. He was then mean to the little man. A few days later the kingdom was threatened by another king. The king gathered an army and the big man was prepared for battle. Little man knew he couldn't shoot so he sat behind him. Big man was scared and ran back into town while the little man went forward and won the battle. The king made him chief and praised him.

The Foolhardy Wolf: Lion killed a buffalo and went for a drink. On his way back he ran into a wolf who asked to be his servant. He agreed and said the wolf has to go to the mountain to check for prey, and in return he would share the meat. The wolf did and ate well. He got bigger and wanted to switch roles and kill an elephant. He asked the lion and the lion said no, after a while he gave in and said ok. He went to the mountain and told the wolf when an elephant was there. The wolf ran, jumped and missing the elephant. The elephant stepped on the wolf, killing him.

The Stolen Plow: 2 traders were friends. one from a small town, one a large town. Small town took a plow to the large town to be fixed and left it with the friend. The friend ends up selling it and keeping the money. When the small town came back he was told the mice ate the plow. The small town trader thought it was strange. STT took the LTT son and left him at another house until his return. When LTT asked him he said a bird took him and he couldn't stop it. LTT said it couldn't be true and he would take it to a judge, STT agreed. The judge questioned and STT verified that's what he had said. Judge asked for proof, STT asked if mice could eat a plow. He explained and the judge said plow for boy. The next day they had them back.

The Lion in Bad Company: Young lion met a wolf who asked to be the servant. He was always told wolves were bad but agreed. The Young Lion's dad didn't like it, but YL didn't listen so the wolf stayed. W wanted horse meat and asked, and told the lion where to find it. Lion went, took one, and brought it back. Father said they belong to the king who will hunt lions who take it. YL liked horsemen and went for more. King said to build a tank in town, YL still killed them. Same with the stables. When lion and wolf came again, the lion went over the wall and an archer killed him. Wolf went back to his old home.

The Wise Goat and the Wolf: Goats live in one cave, wolves in another. Wolves killed all except the wisest. The wolves planned a trap. He would pretend to be dead and his mate would ask for help. When the goat comes to help he would jump up and kill her. His mate did as told, the goat said no but was eventually convinced. But she was still smart. She told the mate to go in front of her. The wolf thought he heard them and raised his head so the goat ran back into her cave. They decided to try again, but the goat knew better. They had invited her to a party, she said she would bring friends. They asked who and she told them of several dogs. They ran and she never saw them again.

Prince Wicked and the Grateful Animals: Wicked prince was cruel. He went swimming with servants and a storm started. The servants left and hoped he would drown. The king asked where he was and the servants said they thought he came back. The king sent out a search party. The Prince and gone downstream crying and grabbed a log. He was joined by a rat and snake that homes were flooded. Then a parrot joined them. A poor man lived nearby and heard the prince and went out to save him. He got the log to land and then took the animals in since they were weaker. The prince was angry. The animals offered the man what they could in thanks, and the price followed suit offering riches. Later the king died and the prince became king. The poor man went to each to see if they would keep their promises. The animals followed through but the prince wanted him killed before the poor man could tell everyone their history. They caught the man and the man told the story, and they went and killed the prince instead. The poor man became king. He went back to the animals, took what the promised then brought them back to the city and took care of them all.

Beauty and Brownie: 2 deer lived with parents and others in forest. Father said when corn is ripe its dangerous, must each take their own herd and leave. Parents and old deer will stay, but others need to go high in the hills for food. Go by night so no one sees. Beauty listened and his heard was safe. Brownie didn't listen and lost many. When they went to return brownie only had a few herd left.

The Elephant and the Dog: Dog went to stable to visit king's elephant. First to eat leftovers, then for friends. Farmer saw and wanted the dog and bought it. The elephant was sad and wouldn't eat or bathe. The king was told. A servant checked everything was fine, but the elephant looked sad. He asked the stableman was there a playmate and learned of the dog that was who knows where. The servant told the king who said to have an announcement to let the dog loose and he would return what was paid. The farmer listened, the dog returned and they loved together always.

(Wolf from Flickr)

Gibbs, Laura. “Overview. Babbitt. More Jataka Tales.” Overview. Babbitt. More Jataka Tales, 1 Jan. 1970,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Reading Notes: Babbitt's More Jataka Tales: Part A

The Girl Monkey and the String of Pearls: Queen went for a swim, Girl monkey stole the pearls. The guard knew it was a monkey and set a trap. He hung up bright beads, the other monkeys took the and showed them off, causing Girl Monkey to boast about the pearls. The guard caught her and they recovered the pearls.

The Three Fishes: Names were Thoughtful, Very Thoughtful, and Thoughtless. Very Thoughtful realized the danger of being by the town and wanted to go back to the countryside. The other two put it off, and end dup getting caught in a net. V.T wanted to save them, and went by the net and acted like fish that had gotten out of the net. This caused the fisherman to pull in the net by the corner, opening it for the 2 to escape. They realized their error and agreed to go back to the country side.

Tricky Wolf and the Rats: Rats live in the woods, wolf wants to eat them. He tricked them by saying he was lame and only stood on his back legs, and his mouth was open because he survives on air. the rats felt bad and would go visit, each time he would eat one. The chief realized, went last so the wolf would tried to eat him, bit the wolf and the wolf died.

The Woodpecker, Turtle, and Deer: were all friends. Hunter wants the deer and set a trap successfully. The turtle and woodpecker came to help. Woodpecker will distract while turtle chews the trap. They succeeded but the turtle was hurt. The Hunter tied the turtle to the tree. The deer led the hunter into the woods and then lost him. He circled back around to the turtle and helped him get free. Then they all hid until the hunter left.

The Golden Goose: had a poor woman with 2 kids living nearby. Thought about giving them a feather so they could sell it, and did. Each visit he gave one. Mother wanted them all in case he didn't come back, but the kids disagreed. Mother pulled them all out forcibly causing them to turn into normal feathers. He left and never returned.

The Stupid Monkeys: Kings gardener wanted to go to the towns festival and thought the monkeys could water the plants for him. The monkeys agreed, but to check to see if they had enough water they pulled the trees to look at the roots. The trees all died.

The Cunning Wolf: people went to woods for holiday and ate all the meat for lunch. One man offered to hunt for dinner. He took a club and lay at the lake. The King of the wolves knew it was probably a trick and went and pulled on the club. The man pulled back so the animals scattered. The man went back empty handed.

The Penny-Wise Monkey: King gat an army to take over another country. They left and camped in the forest. They gave the horses peas, the monkeys saw and grabbed some. A monkey dropped one, and then dropped them all so he could go after the one he had dropped. The monkey lost a lot for a little, the king saw and decided to go home instead.

The Red-bud Tree: 4 princes heard of the tree and wanted to be the first to see it. The eldest went in winter and saw it dead and didn't understand and left. The next one went in spring and saw it covered in red-buds. A little later the next went and it was green so he didn't get it. Later the youngest went and saw it covered with pods. He ran to his brothers to say he saw it. They compared what they saw, then the king said it was because of different times of year.

The Woodpecker and the Lion: Lion was eating and got a bone caught in his throat. Woodpecker offered to help, but scared of being even. Lion promised he wouldn't if he would help. The woodpecker used a stick to prop the lions mouth open, and hit the bone causing it to get unstuck with no thanks. Later he asked the lion for a favor and the lion answered he already did by not eating him. The woodpecker avoided the lion.

The Otters and the Wolf: Wolf wanted fish so her mate went to the river. Saw the Otters looking for fish, and they got a big one that took both. they couldn't agree how to divide it between the side with the head and the side with the tail and asked the wolf. He gave one the head, the other the tail and took the middle home saying it was his fee for settling the debate.

Gibbs, Laura. “Overview. Babbitt. More Jataka Tales.” Overview. Babbitt. More Jataka Tales, 1 Jan. 1970,

(Otters from Flickr)

Famous Last Words: Jataka Tales

The first part of the week the reading always seems to go well. I read part A of Babbitt's Jataka Tales. I really enjoyed the short stories that have a decent moral lesson involved. Some stories were redundant, since we had covered them in other readings, but each one has a point. They mostly involved animals too, which I adore. I definitely want to see what others are out there and perhaps tell them to my kid and hope he learns the lessons as well.

My best writing I think was editing my Rama and Sita story. I feel like it was wrote pretty well, and showed some internal dialog and struggles between each of them. I tied to add a lot of detail and paint pictures of the scenes. I tried to write it like I saw it in my head with every details I could think of to include, without overdoing it.

The only writing I remember off the top of my head was the storybook that involved Star Wars. I think their twist was very clever. They are taking something fairly well known and incorporating new adventures. Having a portfolio I don't know that would work so well for me, but maybe I can find small ways to tie them together.

My other class just started. I am a little stressed with the 6 page papers but we will see how it goes. I definitely enjoy the writing from this class a lot more.

Outside of school we are pretty much just working and gearing up for halloween. My child got an inflatable T-Rex costume he is living for. He wore it to his church's Pumpkin Palooza and got a TON of compliments.

For next week, and through the rest of the semester, I hope just to manage to stay on top off all the assignments without loosing my head.I am feeling a but overwhelmed, and I am ready for a break in December.

(My kid roasting a marshmallow at Pumpkin Palooza)

Week 10 Review

For the image I loved this one. First because I love cats (duh), and the second because I believe a lot of mistakes can be amazing. Mistakes can be when the best things happen. 

(Image from Announcements)

For the video, I chose thing one about the Sarod. It has a different sound that is very pleasing to the ear. It is made from a goat skin drum, wood body, and steel fingerboard. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Extra Credit Reading Notes: Kincaid's Indian Heroes Part B

Part 13: This is the year of hiding. Each chose their disguise and they chose a city and went. They hid their weapons and entered the city. They all found employment with the king. Draupadi was requested to go to the queen's brothers room, and was unsure. H tried to embrace her, she ran out. He followed mad and struck her. King didn't want to hear it, so she told Bhima. He was angry and promised revenge. He told her to have the prince meet him. He beat the prince until he was totally unrecognizable.

Part 14: News the death went around, and it was suggested because it was Draupadi's fault, she should burn with him and the king agreed reluctantly. The Princes Kinsman took her, and she went without a fight. Bhima heard, made a club and went into the processions path. Draupadi declared her immortal husband came to save her, and the others (unprepared) fled. They all returned to the town. The queen asked her to leave, but Draupadi asked for 13 days (which would be the end of the year) and the queen agreed. The Bharatas agreed to team with others to attack the kingdom where the Pandavas were hiding. The kingdom gathered an army with the pandavas princes joining. They followed the group that had teamed up with the Bharatas and caught up. The other king captured Virata.The brothers declare the year over and to show themselves and charged into the battle. Bhima captures the other king, discouraging their army. Virata retook his castle. In the meantime Arjuna went with the prince into battle against the Bharatas who tried to overtake the kingdom while it was unoccupied. Arjuna told the prince to go to the tree and bring back the weapons. He put them on and they charged, while the group with the Bharatas tried to run in fear. Arjuna caught up and slaughtered as they went. Karna came out to challenge Arjuna. He tried Arjuna but the gold armor stopped it. Arjuna shot and hit Karna  but the sun god (karnas dad) stopped it from going too far. The charioteer took karna and fled. The prince thanked arjuna and offered his daughter for a bride, but it was arranged for her to wed Arjuna son. They sent someone to tell the Pandavas uncle the time was up and to restore their kingdom. The king replied they were found out beforehand so they must be exiled 12 years more. They responded asking for 5 villages, one for each. The king would've agreed accept his son talked him out of it. So he responded not until another 12 years in exile passed.

Part 15: Y asked his brothers what they should do. Arjuna said he would rather fight. He pointed out the gifts from the Gods. Bhima agreed but asked he get to kill the ones he vowed to drink their blood. They all agreed and told King Virata. He offered his soldiers, and they sent words to the other kings. Krishna even said he would be Arjuna's charioteer. They met with a smaller army. The 3 main worries were Bhishma (family member and born of an immortal), Drona (who trained them), and Karna. Arjuna hid behind a soldier dressed as a woman and went after Bhishma. Bhishma would never attack a woman and eventually fell. But he could not die until the sun faced northwards, so the river (his mom) sent swans. Everyone called truce while waiting and did what they could to protect him. After he passed the fighting resumes. D went to drona and asked if he knew drones son was slain. Drona went and asked Y since he wouldn't lie. Since Ys elephant was the same name and was killed, he answered Yes. Drona started to mourn and was killed. Y was upset and discussed with Arjuna is it worth it if they are playing dirty tricks. Karna took over the army. Y sent arjuna to face Karna. they circled each other, and Karna's charioteer went into a ditch so arjuna shot and killed karna. Bhisma filled his vows.

Part 16: The next day the Pandavas looked for their prince cousin hoping to find him deceased. However the prince fled to a hidden palace under the lake. Drona's son knew and went to check, and some hunters overheard. They reported back to Y and led them to the lake. The prince muttered a spell to turn the lake to crystal. Y challenged the prince to come out, choose who to fight and with what. If the prince wins they would walk away from everything. He agreed and chose Bhima with the mace. They fought, the prince got several swings in, but Bhima waited and eventually attacked the princes thigh when it was left unguarded and he promised years before. They returned and their army was killed by Drona's son fulfilling the curse. Their uncle the king greeted them but coldly. Y ordered everyone to still treat the uncle as the king, and the bharatas be treated with honor. Y prayed to the gods and they took pity and ended the curse. Apparently Arjuna's son's bride gave birth so the line continues and everyone was overjoyed. The king grew to love the Pandavas (except Bhima who never forgave him). He left the kingdom to Y and went with the Queen and Kunti to the forest to await death.

Part 17: 20 years after the king passed. The brothers received news that Krishna passed. This section goes into his birth, and upbringing with the murder attempts and how he lived through it all. He was considered a great man throughout India. after the battle he ruled for years, but then his people angered the gods and were cursed. They ended up murdering each other and Krishna went to the woods to think and was shot. After the funeral a wave came and destroyed his city. Arjuna had taken the women back home with him, but were assaulted and he realized his strength was waning. Y realized this and that it was probably time to give the reign to someone else. He gave it to Arjuna's grandson. The pandava brothers, and draupadi went to the forest to pray/wait.

Part 18: They walked to the rising sun and saw fire swell up and heard a voice of the fire god telling them they needed to give Arjuna's bow back to the sea. They agreed. They continued to walk around India and Draupadi fell. The brothers questioned and Y explained her sin was she loved Arjuna most. Sahadev fell next and Y explained his sin was he thought himself wiser than all men. Nakula was next and Y explained it was the sin of thinking his fair face made him higher than others. Arjuna was next for the sin of promising to kill in a second and didn't. Bhima was last for the sin of his pride in being strong. Y went on and met Indra offering to take him to his City. Y responded he wouldn't go without his brothers and his queen. Indra responded they are there. Y asked to take his dog, and Indra said no. Y refused to go. Indra explained it was a test and Y passed, bring the dog and come. The reached Indras city but his brothers and Queen were not there. He asked Indra and Indra gave him a messenger to follow to them. He left the city and the path got more rough, and stank. He heard the voices of his loved ones. Y got angry and told the messenger to tell Indra he would say with his family. He was immediately back in Heaven and it was explained it was another trial. and then Y saw his family coming to him along with others who had passed.
(Indra from Flickr)

Bibliography :

Gibbs, Laura. “Kincaid. The Indian Heroes.” Kincaid. The Indian Heroes,

Reading Notes: Babbit's Jataka Tales Part A

The Monkey and the Crocodile: I remember this story from one of the earlier assignments. Crocodile was trying to get monkeys heart. Monkey wants to go across the water to the island with fruits. He told the monkey he was going to drown him to get it, and the monkey being smarter told him he had to get it from the tree. The crocodile took the monkey back to safety unknowingly, but the the monkey taunts the crocodile and tells him to climb the tree. The monkey moved to get away form the crocodile, but the crocodile follows. He can get to the island by hoping to the rock and then to the island. So he went, the crocodile waited on the rock for him to return home. The monkey noticed this and tricked the crocodile into talking. He made the crocodile think he won, and told him to open his mouth wide, but then jumped on his head and to safety.

How the Turtle saved his own life: This one is also familiar. King makes a lake for princes to play. They see the turtle and think it's a demon. King orders the turtle be brought to him, boys see it and run. Then there was a debate on how to kill it, but an old man suggested to throw him in the lake (being afraid of the water). The turtle being smart, acted terrified. They agreed to do that, and the turtle went home.

The Merchant of Seri: Merchant sells tinware and brass. Travels with another doing the same. They divided towns, the other was greedy, buy cheap sell high. Woman unknowingly has a gold bowl. She kept because her husband would eat from it. Greedy wanted it for cheap so he acted like it wasn't worth anything. They approached other merchant who told them the truth. He gave them everything in exchange, then went across the river and lived decently, while greedy was upset.

The turtle who couldn't stop talking: Turtle in a pond befriends geese who ask him to go home with them. He declines since he can't fly. They offer to take him, but he can't talk. His mouth will be wrapped around a stick while they carry it. Kids started pointing it out and making fun, he opens his mouth to respond and falls to his death. Moral: He couldn't keep his mouth shut, had to talk=lost his life.

The Ox who won the forfeit: man prided himself on his strong ox. Made a bet his ox could pull 1000 carts. They took the bet and yoked him to the line of carts. The owner yelled and whipped the ox, but the ox wouldn't move. He went home upset. Later the ox asked why he acted that way. The man apologized and the ox offered to go back and pull the carts. They went, the man praised him and he moved all the carts and they went home happy.

The Sandy road: Merchant goes through desert with cart to get to country on the other side. Had to travel by night so the sand would be cooler. He also took water, rice and firewood to cook said rice. Group rode by night and camped by day. They put an awning over the carts and they and oxen slept underneath. the pilot (who led them) eventually said one more day and they should be at their destination. Merchant said they should use the rest of the water on the fire then before leaving. The pilot went to the head of the line, but fell asleep. The ended up in the same place as the night before but without water. Merchant decides to go find some. He walked until he found some grass, then ordered tools to dig. The hit rock but hear water underneath. The broke through. Hole filled with water. They bathed/drank/cooked, marked it. And the next day reached their destination.

The quarrel of the quails: Group of quails lived together in a forest, the wisest one was the leader. Man lived near and sold quail. He studied the leaders call and replicated it. The quail ran to him then he caught and sold them. Wise leader advised to put their head through the neat and fly to the thorn bush. They could leave the net and be free. This works for days. The mans wife gets mad and he said he will get them when the quail quarrel. It happened when one accidentally stepped on another, and everyone took sides. Man threw his net. They wouldn't make an effort to cooperate to be free so he took them and sold them.

The Measure of rice: Dishonest king has honest valuer. King didn't like it so he hired someone else and sent the honest valuer away. New valuer made up prices and people had to agree. Someone sold 500 horses for a measure of rice. The man went to the honest valuer and asked advice. He advised to give a gift and ask if 500 horses are worth a measure of rice, what is a measure of rice worth? Tell him to go to the king and he would also be there. The new valuer said a measure of rice = the whole kingdom. King was ashamed and sent him away.

The foolish timid rabbit: a story I am quite familiar with already. See Cats hate water on my portfolio. :)

(Image from Flickr)


Gibbs, Laura. “Reading Guide: Babbitt. Jataka Tales.” Reading Guide: Babbitt. Jataka Tales., 1 Jan. 1970,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reading Notes: Kincaid's Indian Heroes, Part A

I appreciate the fact it starts acknowledging Rama and Sita in Vishnu's heaven.

 Part 6 seems to be along the same lines as the Mahabharata we read before. Not much variation, at most just less detail. This section is about the birth/raising, to the point of finding bodies in the burnt house, believing the Pandavas had passed.

Part 7: Seems like the other version as well. Stays with the main point of the story. I don't feel like there is much variation here either. This part is about them going through the woods, killing the monster, wedding the sister, reuniting, rejoining the family in town, and killing that towns "ruler" that was tormenting them. Finally they arrive in town to compete for Draupadi.

Part 8: Is this supposed to be the same as the other? Arjuna wins her hand, queen accidentally says to share her, everyone ends up agreeing. Draupadi weds all the brothers.

Part 9: Their cousin finds out they are alive and that they wed. Cousin invites them back to mend fences, gives them part of the country. They go and build a wonderful city. For a second I thought they forgot the oath, but it was just mentioned at a different time. Arjuna went to the woods, and had the alligator-water nymph thing. Then the whole burning of the forest. Then he gets his own bride. Moya of the nagas built a wondrous palace with the nagas jewels, and they sent some around as tribute. They wanted to do a sacrifice to show he was the highest, but krishna said to eliminate J first, so they managed that by bhima wrestling him

Part 10: They do the ritual, cousin comes and gets jealous. Comes up with a plan to have Pandavas face a family member who cheats in gambling. They loose everything. Draupadi gets their freedom and everything returned, but had a messenger chase them to challenge them at dice once more. Because of the curse, they accept and return. The pandavas lose and have to spend 12 years in exile and 1 year hidden.

Part 11: They go into the forest. Vyasa tells Y to have arjuna go see Indra for armor to defeat their cousin after the exile is up. He made it to the spot, saw what he believed to be one of the immortals, and set up camp there for a month. He ends up wrestling one of the immortals who gifts him the armor. Bhima gets caught by a huge snake. Y faced the challenge given and answered all the snakes questions, breaking the curse and returning him to human form.

Part 12: This is the year of hiding. Each chose their disguise and they chose a city and went. They hid their weapons and entered the city. They all found employment with the king. Draupadi was requested to go to the queen's brothers room, and was unsure. H tried to embrace her, she ran out. He followed mad and struck her. King didn't want to hear it, so she told Bhima. He was angry and promised revenge. He told her to have the prince meet him. He beat the prince until he was totally unrecognizable.

(image from Flickr)

  Gibbs, Laura. “Kincaid. The Indian Heroes.” Kincaid. The Indian Heroes,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 8 Progress

Looking back: I am happy with my progress over all. I am proud of the length of my posts (as I said before i'm used to short and sweet). My weekly routine could definitely be better. It's gotten the point it's usually sitting down a bit before bed to work on whatever is due that day. I started off ahead, and need to work on getting back to that. I have been getting my stuff in at close to the last moment. On the bright side: most has been getting in, if not I do extra credit opportunities. I think point wise i'm still about 1/2 a week to 1 week ahead, so thats good. I appreciate extra credit for that reason. I think I am behind on stories though (I just have 2 written) so I should probably work on those, but everything else is going well. I'm happy with my blog and website.

Looking forward: The main change I would like to make is getting stuff done earlier. My 2nd class starts this Sunday so I know i'll have a lot more work going on. The farther ahead I can be, the better it would be in case things happen. I would like to look into other styles of writing. I feel like both of my stories follow the same style. Blog and website I am happy with how it is.

(Image from Flickr)

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback in: I like reading the responses and suggestions on what to add or change. As i've discussed previously, I actually decent at editing, but writing stresses me out so I tend to just try get it over with which means not always such great things. I've had a few point out grammatical errors, but didn't give me examples to fix. That didn't help too much. I overthink a lot so I try not to focus too hard or I could seriously give myself an anxiety attack. If others could give definite examples it would make me feel a lot better. Some have pointed out spelling errors (I use a MacBook and I can't seem to get spellcheck to work no matter what I do) so those are definitely helpful so I can go in and manually edit them.

Feedback out: I feel like mine are decent (if not hopefully someone would tell me). I try to stay with the WWW theory, and try to give specific examples/suggestions as much as I can. Everyone is so creative, I feel a little inferior but it also pushes me to try to be better. I've loved reading the stories in different formats, like the diary entry. I may use that for another story.

Blog comments: I definitely enjoy reading other people introductions and getting to know them. I feel like some were more detailed than others, but that's okay. I tend to be an introvert too and rarely know what to type. I tried to hit all the obvious points with my own, and I feel like it turned out well at giving an overview of me and mine.

Looking forward: I like my set up for my comment wall and introduction. I probably need to work on elaborating more. I've been in the business world for a while so i'm used to short and to the point sales of writing. Both ways probably need to work more on specific examples. I do what I can, but I could be better.

Image from Cheezburger and was chosen because it is the story of my life. As I stated above, if I strive for perfection I will psych myself out and that is no good for anyone.

Week 8 Reading and Writing

The reading I love. Some of the stories have so many characters going in and out I can get overwhelmed and feel like I'm not keeping them straight very well. At the end, I am thankful for all of them though because I still feel like they help give a greater understanding to the story. I try to write my notes kind of recapping what is going on and my feelings about it because it helps me recall everything later on. In doing so, it helps spark ideas for my stories. So far it's helped a lot. However, the stories are a bit out of my comfort zone. I've always been a reader but dislike writing. I think I'm too OCD and stress over it. That also gets me into trouble though because I tend to try to rush through it so I don't stress to much, and end up missing things I know I'm better at. I love editing others work, but stress way too much over my own. I've only done 2 stories so far, but I think i've done okay.

I think my blog and website are CUTE. I really like my layouts. I know for my Cat story i've gotten the suggestion to change my header to a cat picture, but I liked the one I chose because it reminds me of water droplets. I feel okay about my writing, I think it could be better, but not the worst thing ever. The 2 I have done I think work well. I feel like they are decent accomplishments for me since I always dread writing. I feel like I've come up with cute ways to change and add details to it to help visualization. My favorite reading is about Rama and Sita though (which also happens to be my 2nd story). I am just a hopeless romantic and loved how they were destined and the way it came into play.

The image I chose I also used in my Week 5 Review post. I find it fitting because notes/stories are definitely ways to be enagaged and learning.

(Image from Cheezburger)

Looking forward, I probably just need to stop overthinking. If I can do that, then I can actually focus better on what's going on, and can work on writing without feeling overwhelmed.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part D

I see we are still at the Kaurava's being dumb, and causing the death of Bhishma. Karna is making terrible decisions too. I don't like the poem page. I had a hard time keeping my attention pulled in because I get into the Lilt more than the story. Abhimanyu's death is so sad. As I had said in previous notes, I can't imagine burying a child. Poor Arjuna. So much war. Everyone falling one by one.

I did find it funny about...

 Yudhishthira answered in a clear voice, "Yes, O Drona! Ashwatthaman is dead!" And this he said three times. But after the word Ashwatthaman he said indistinctly each time the words "the elephant." These words, however, Drona did not hear...

What trickery. but again I can empathize with Drona believing he lost his son. Tasting blood, even if it was a promise for your wife, is disgusting. No thanks. You can have it all Bhima. I know it Karma, but Arjuna killing Karna is sad. I had hoped they would patch up their relationship and embrace each other as brothers. Krishna seems to be the voice of reason. Even if something didn't seem to fit their morals, he would advise what he believed to be the right reason. I don't get being happy with killing everyone. This definitely does not seem to be a happy story. Draupadi has lost a lot, but it still seems like she is always whining and throwing her own fit. Like, she's irrational. I like that the Pandavas show regret and true emotions versus the Kauravas always showing anger. Bhishma's death was so sad, but it's nice he could hold on to give advice. Uttara's story is sad too, but I don't understand wanting to chose your husband over your child. As a mother, my mentality is children first, ALWAYS. 

Why did Arjuna's son want to kill Arjuna? I'm glad there was the stone to revive him, and the were okay after. It still seems weird to me thought that his son is who defeats him. Why wouldn't he be in line for the throne though? Didn't they say all hope was on the baby? Poor horse. I get the reasons why. But I still felt terrible.Wait.... We are calling Draupadi virtuous and full of wisdom? Okay then... 

So much death happens. Even just visiting the elders along the river. It was nice thought that Vyasa allowed them a visit with their loved ones, and offered for the widows to go with them. And then back to fighting. Why is it so hard for everyone to get along? I wish all death could be as nice and simple as the Pandavas. It's our time and we will just walk into it together. Well I say that until each keeps falling. Why are all the Kauravas there? IT seemed like they were nothing but mean and spiteful their whole time on earth. Ohhhh it was a test. I'm glad to see them all reunited happily in the end.

(Krishna from Flickr)

Gibbs, Laura. “Indian Epics: Images and PDE Epics.” PDE Mahabharata, 1 Jan. 1970, Mahabharata.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part C

Being in the woods seems like it would definitely suck, but the copper pot with food seems like it wold be a huge help. It also seems like Bhima is great at protecting them all.  I'm glad Krishna is on their side. Draupadi sounds like s spoiled brat, but at the same time I get it. I would have some issues with it too. I could definitely see the struggle between choosing to fight, or honoring your word.
Arjuna is intense. That sounds like a tough life to life, fasting and praying with your arms raised all day. The fact he still had the strength to wrestle with The Great God, and do it well enough to be gifted. So many Gods, so many gifts. I also admire how pure he can be in the fact he is not swayed by all the women calling to him.

Ohhh Yudhishthira learned dice. I hope that is some foreboding about revenge and getting their empire back. Hanuman! How nice to see (read) a familiar face. I love how it ties the Mahabharata to the Ramayana. Even cooler that he and Bhima are half brothers.

Duryodhana is a hot mess, and two faced. Don't act all grateful for being saved, but harbor mortification and resentment. It's not the Pandavas fault you lost. He sounds so petty. "I'll just wait here and die then". *inset eye roll here* Then deciding to go back and play King, and keep up the feud. Man needs to be smacked. Also, Karna is gross and should definitely wash his feet. Indra meets him and agreed to exchange one invincible dart for Karna's jewelry. Will it be worth it though?

These women are killing me. Men leave them unguarded and terrible things happen. First Sita, and now  Draupadi? At least Bhima got Jayadratha and punished him accordingly. Then everyone drinking the water and dying.... surely they should know better. Thank goodness Yudhishthira could answer the riddles, reveal Dharma (his dad) and bring everyone back to life.

Poor Draupadi, for a second time she had troubles with outside men. It definitely seems that Beauty is a curse for these women. But she's also dark, I don't think I would want to see my husband kill someone, even if it was for myself. The Kauravas seem to be whiny brats. I wish it would be as simple as sending messages to have the kingdom restored, but I highly doubt that would ever ever ever happen. SO I agree 10000% for getting ready for war. Once again Duryodhana is acting like a brat and always focused on anger. What a tough call for Karna, but I get the mindset too. He doesn't want to seem weak and like he gave in, he wants to earn it and support those who have been his friends. I'm glad he at least offered to spare 4 of the brothers if it comes to it. It is a tough spot to be in. I like that Arjuna compared Duryodhana to women.I do like when it comes to war, for the most part, family protects family. What a sad battle. I could only picture the scene, and it breaks my heart. Losing a son is something I can't even imagine. What heartbreak that would be.
(Arjuna from Flickr)

Gibbs, Laura. “Indian Epics: Images and PDE Epics.” PDE Mahabharata, 1 Jan. 1970, Mahabharata.

Week 7 Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part B

So I forgot to do this as I went, so I'm doing recap thoughts and the rest of what I have to read. I know it worked for the Pandavas, but I felt terrible for the woman with 5 sons who ended up perishing in the fire. If they knew something could happen, how could they in good conscience let them fall asleep in the house?

The 1 wife and 5 husbands was definitely weird to me. I cracked up. Just the past story of her feeling abandoned by her husband, and getting "blessed" with 5 husbands (although that sounds like a pain, I do well to handle one man). From the brothers standpoint, I wonder what jealousy issues they had if any. Just seems weird overall.

I really liked following the travels of Arjuna. The nymphs was interesting (being alligators). I'm definitely getting the vibe there's not really free-will going on. Everything is pre-destined. ....Okay wait...abducting a bride? What the heck. That's not how you make friends people...or get a wife. But I guess it is in this. Then she's the handmaiden to Draupadi, and then they got along? My brain just does not like this.  Maya's palace sounds beautiful, but I would definitely be like Duryodhana and be confused.
Gambling Draupadi? Thats terrible. Also Duryodhana is definitely a jerk and I don't like him in the least.I like Bhima. I hope he gets his revenge in battle. People definitely deserve it. Poor Kunti with her sounds/daughter in law being away from her for so long.

(Queen Kunti from Flickr)

Bibiolgraphy :

Gibbs, Laura. “Indian Epics: Images and PDE Epics.” PDE Mahabharata, 1 Jan. 1970, Mahabharata.