Sunday, September 22, 2019

Famous Last Words: Week 5

It's been a few crazy weeks. In addition to a family tragedy (my son's great-grandpa on his dad's side was in the hospital and passed away), we also started some extra curricular activities for my home schooled son, in addition to myself working full time. It feels like we've constantly had something happening every day of the week, and on weekends.

Even with so much going on, I did read The Divine Archer this week. I really liked the other point of view of the Ramayana, but I liked Narayan's better. At first when I started Narayan's the inside stories seemed a bit overwhelming, but in the end I appreciated the back stories. I feel like it definitely helped with a better understanding of the story line. What I did like about the Divine Archer was the imagery used. It went into great detail to describe the scenes. It would be interesting to find more versions and see how they compare.

In terms of writing this week, besides the blogs I didn't do much. I missed Thursday's story telling, but I did edit on my portfolio. I think it definitely has turned out for the better. However, in writing comments, I really liked Sarah's (I believe) use of the journal entries to tell her story of Ravana's wife.

I don't have any other classes right now (I'm going part time), but my next one starts mid October - Film Noir. I'm quite looking forward to it, but it also means I'm working on trying to get ahead in this class so it won't be so much at once (hopefully).

This next week, I hope to continue to stay on top of assignments/try to get ahead. Other than that, it should be a busy week at work, and continuing to play taxi to all the activities (choir, church, soccer, etc), and then we shall end the week with 2 Soccer games. Momin' ain't easy.

Here's my precious kid after playing his first soccer game in the rain yesterday. By the end he was soaking wet, but still had fun.

(Image taken by me)

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